services offered
Hour Long clinic Sessions
Physical Therapy sessions in the clinic are held one-on-one in a clean, comfortable, and inviting room with a treatment table, a professional grade treadmill, plenty of room and equipment for all levels of exercise. Hour-long sessions are the set session length to ensure that I can give you an in-depth holistic assessment and fully address any questions or concerns that arise without sacrificing the hands-on manual therapy that sets Resilient apart. Rather than a typical physical therapy clinic, where sessions are often limited to 30 minutes or shorter by restrictive insurance limitations, the longer session times allow for the quality of treatment that gets resolution in fewer sessions.
Evaluation 60-75 minutes - $165
Follow Up Sessions 60 minutes - $140
In-Home or In-Office Ergonomics Assessments
It has always been an important piece of my care to give people personalized solutions for their exact circumstances and the setup of your workstation is no exception. This doesn’t just mean a desk! There are as many workstation setups as there are people and this became truer than ever as the pandemic forced creative solutions for all kinds of professions. Considering how much time we each spend at our jobs or main hobbies, even slight changes to key positions or movements can have massive benefits.
Often, postural and ergonomic assessments are done in the clinic from pictures or descriptions of clients’ setups, but if a picture is worth a thousand words imagine how much more valuable it is to have an analysis from all sides of your actual position if your workstation is a problem area for you. Equestrians, mechanics, painters, engineers, brewers, and chefs are just some of the people I have helped with unique setups and movements so I challenge you to see what I can offer for your particular setting.
Within 30 mins drive - Evaluation $300, Follow up sessions $275. Longer drives will be taken and priced case-by-case.
Gym Form & Wellness
I want my clients to stay as active as possible when they are recovering from injury or pushing for that next goal, so facilitating a return to the gym as soon and as safely as possible is key. Often someone has maintained a gym routine despite their injury, instinctively modifying many of their activities to accommodate or avoid pain and we want to make sure the routine is still as beneficial as possible without interfering with their progress in clinical sessions.
For those who are trying to return to the gym after a long hiatus or maybe have never had much of a gym routine, it can be essential to have the right guidance at the gym – particularly if there is a concurrent injury to be considered.
I also recognize that many clients have invested in their progress through a personal trainer, and I LOVE to collaborate with these professionals to ensure that your physical therapy and training goals are synchronized and seamlessly working together for the best possible outcomes. I am happy to schedule a time when your whole fitness team can get together in one place.
These sessions are priced on a case-by-case basis and will only be considered after an in-clinic evaluation session for your issue or goal setting. Please be sure to check with your gym if they allow for a PT or trainer to accompany you.